Bianca may be forced to sell her hair to pay for her sick father’s medication.

Starring Charles Kent and Zena Kiefe · Directed by Charles Kent

Pete is killed in a mining accident and Ella in an Indian attack, leaving their daughter Nellie in the care of Buck, who has never had any patience for children.

Starring Robert Thornby · Directed by Rollin S. Sturgeon

On his way to become a friar, a man falls in love with a woman and chooses to marry instead.

Starring J. Warren Kerrigan · Directed by Allan Dwan

The foundry boss brings in a labor consultant and his daughter aids the workers after they go on strike.

Starring Kathlyn Williams, T.J. Commerford, and Charles Clary · Directed by Oscar Eagle

After her husband dies at sea, Madeline travels to the city to study sculpture but her tutor has a more than professional interest in her.

Starring Julia Swayne Gordon · Directed by Laurence Trimble

A honeymooning couple crash land a balloon onto a cannibal island, but their enchanted bagpipes protect them from the headhunters.

Starring Flora Finch and Charlie Edwards · Directed by James Young

A policeman goes undercover as a woman to catch a pickpocket, but when his wife finds an unfamiliar dress in the closet, she comes to a different conclusion.

Starring Fraunie Fraunholz and Marian Swayne · Directed by Alice Guy-Blaché

Ira and his son-in-law pretend to enlist, but while on a fishing trip, they learn “their” regiment has been wiped out.

Starring Sidney Drew and Harry T. Morey · Directed by George D. Baker and Ralph Ince

Fatty takes the advice of a boxer on how to win his girl back from the dashing actor who stole her away.

Starring Hughey Mack and Lucille Lee · Directed by Ralph Ince

The Christians become Nero’s scapegoat for the Great Fire of Rome.

Starring Amleto Novelli, Gustavo Serena, and Lea Giunchi · Directed by Enrico Guazzoni